Animation is used to create, foster and maintain social ties. It brings together actions whose objectives are: to discover oneself, to discover and get to know others and to find common interests in order to avoid social isolation and to break the monotony of everyday life. A commercial animation is an animation carried out for commercial purposes in order to promote the launch of a new product or the extension of a brand. Indeed, during its launch phase, i.e. its placing on the market (a very important phase in the life cycle of a product), a product needs a promotional campaign of which commercial animation is one of the most important stages. Commercial animations are mainly carried out in points of sale (with demonstrations, tastings, various animations such as dances...) during busy days (weekends) by specialised animators. The commercial animators work with the salespeople or sales representatives (the sales force) and are responsible for them. In a highly competitive market, sales assistants must constantly innovate their services by seizing all the opportunities offered by new communication technologies.

Sales animations

The life cycle of a product includes the product launch phase, the growth phase, the maturity phase and finally the decline phase. Product launches are generally accompanied by a sales drive, which is a continuous or one-off action aimed at boosting sales or launching a new product or service. It is managed and organized by a sales coordinator who is mandated by the company, brand or trade name that wishes to launch or boost one or more of its products or services. Nowadays, commercial animations are characterized above all by more and more striking and remarkable street marketing actions with attractive costumes, good music, moving stagings, tastings, various demonstrations and games. During a product launch, highlighting the qualities of a product to the public (or to the audience or future customers) is the key to a successful commercial animation. To find out more about commercial animations and promotional actions, click here.

Product launch

After the testing and study phase, a company or brand can organize and launch a new product. The different stages of a product launch are: research and filtering of launch ideas, testing of the launch concept, development of a strategy, economic analysis (commercial viability), definition of the commercial offer, choice of a test market and finally the launch of the product. In most cases, a product launch is accompanied by a commercial animation. The duration of a product launch varies from a few weeks to a few months and includes simultaneous or successive commercial actions. These commercial actions generally include: campaigns aimed at distributors (franchises, for example), press relations, event-based promotions (in the streets or public squares), advertising on various media (audio-visual, Internet, etc.) and operations to make the public discover the product. All these commercial actions require constant innovation not only in presentation strategies, but also in the use of new communication technologies.

Innovating during sales events and product launches

If most product launches (FMCG or branded products) fail, it is mainly due to a lack of innovation in terms of commercial animations. The purpose of a commercial animation is to make the public discover the product (appearance, colours, tastes, smells...); it is lively advertising. It helps to convince the most sceptical prospects about the real assets and potential of the product. In a market where competition is tough and where it is difficult to stand out, a commercial animation must be accompanied by technological innovation. Digital has a large place in today's society, however, sales promotion at the point of sale is still used by the major brands, as it allows direct interaction with consumers. Exhibiting or tasting new products in real conditions helps to increase sales. In addition, using and seizing the opportunities offered by new technologies is a plus in sales promotions.

New technologies and promotional innovations

A commercial animation is part of the promotional actions of a company in order to increase the visits in its points of sale and to make take off the sales of its products. Setting up a commercial animation is to be concerned about the proximity with the customers, because through this animation, the company reminds its customers that it accompanies them on a daily basis. New technologies offer innovative solutions and ideas in a commercial animation, they allow to make promotional innovations and to surprise the customers during a professional promotional event. If new technologies make it possible to conceive and create new formulas for commercial events as well as promotional innovations, a commercial event must be in contact with customers or prospects.